Python Decorators

How to create optionally callable python decorators

A very handy pattern when needing to perform some action before and after a function is called is to use a decorator.

A decorator is a function that takes a function as an argument and returns a function.

The returned function is a wrapper around the original function, and can perform some action before and after the original function is called.

# examples
import pytest

# No need to write '@pytest.fixture()`
def func():
    return "This is just an example'

def session_func():
    return "This is just another example with a different scope"

Concrete example

Let's write an @logged decorator for numeric functions.

It accepts an optional decimals argument to round the result of the computation to a certain number of digits. If decimals is not given, we shouldn't round at all.

So, possible invocations should be:

Cutting to the chase, here's the annotated solution:

# changeme/
# This is the module that will be imported by the user
# there should be a folder called changeme with an file
import functools
import typing

def logged(func: typing.Callable = None, decimals: int = None) -> typing.Callable:
    # Everything outside of the decorated function is executed
    # when the logged function decorator is parsed by the interpreter

    if func is None:
        # This code is reached when the decorator is called with or without parameters
        # It then returns a partial function with the parameters set
        print(f"Decorator is a called function with decimals={decimals}")
        return functools.partial(logged, decimals=decimals)

        # This code will always be reached eventually
        # right away if the code decorator isn't a function call
        # @logged
        # or after the decorator is called with parameters, due to the above
        # return functools.partial(logged, decimals=decimals)
        # In the latter case, the code below is reached inside the partial function's execution
        print(f"Decorator wrapped `{func.__name__}` {func}.")

    # Everything inside of the `decorated` function below
    # is executed when the decorated function is called
    def decorated(*args: typing.Any, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> typing.Any:
        print(f"{func.__name__} called with args={args}, kwargs={kwargs}")
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        logged_result = result if decimals is None else round(result, decimals)
        print(f"Logged Result:\t{logged_result}")
        return result

    print(f"Returning decorated function {decorated.__name__}\n\n")
    return decorated

If we run the following script:

Note: The changeme package is just a placeholder for your package name.

from changeme.main import logged

if __name__ == "__main__":

    def add(x: float, y: float) -> float:
        return x + y

    def add_wrapped_func(x: float, y: float) -> float:
        return x + y

    def add_log_rounded_to_three_decimals(x: float, y: float) -> float:
        return x + y

    def add_log_rounded_to_zero_decimals(x: float, y: float) -> float:
        return x + y

    ret1 = add(3.0, 4.1234)

    ret2 = add_wrapped_func(3.0, 4.1234)

    ret3 = add_log_rounded_to_three_decimals(3.0, 4.1234)

    ret4 = add_log_rounded_to_zero_decimals(3.0, 4.1234)

We get the following output in the terminal:

Decorator wrapped `add` <function add at 0x100a24a40>.
Returning decorated function add

Decorator is a called function with decimals=None
Decorator wrapped `add_wrapped_func` <function add_wrapped_func at 0x100b11440>.
Returning decorated function add_wrapped_func

Decorator is a called function with decimals=3
Decorator wrapped `add_log_rounded_to_three_decimals` <function add_log_rounded_to_three_decimals at 0x100b0b2e0>.
Returning decorated function add_log_rounded_to_three_decimals

Decorator is a called function with decimals=0
Decorator wrapped `add_log_rounded_to_zero_decimals` <function add_log_rounded_to_zero_decimals at 0x100bb3ba0>.
Returning decorated function add_log_rounded_to_zero_decimals

add called with args=(3.0, 4.1234), kwargs={}
Logged Result:  7.1234
Returned:       7.1234

add_wrapped_func called with args=(3.0, 4.1234), kwargs={}
Logged Result:  7.1234
Returned:       7.1234

add_log_rounded_to_three_decimals called with args=(3.0, 4.1234), kwargs={}
Logged Result:  7.123
Returned:       7.1234

add_log_rounded_to_zero_decimals called with args=(3.0, 4.1234), kwargs={}
Logged Result:  7.0
Returned:       7.1234


Generic implementation

This 100% generic implementation is stripped of any comments and debug outputs. Just copy-paste it somewhere and adapt it to your needs.

import functools
import typing

#                  @decorator 
#                  or 
#                  @decorator()
#                  with **options being the **kwargs (key word arguements)
# use it like this ^^^^^^^
def decorator(func: typing.Callable = None, **options: typing.Any) -> typing.Callable:
    if func is None:
        return functools.partial(decorate, **options)

    def decorated(*args: typing.Any, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> typing.Any:
        return func(*args, **kwargs)

    return decorated

That's it! Go add this extra juice to your decorator-based APIs. 🚀

Adapted from another article to help my understanding: Florimond Manca in 2019